About Us

At Paperless Transaction Corporation (PTC), we are dedicated to supporting the nonprofit community in various ways. Besides our fundraising and donation processing services, we have an Ambassador Program designed to assist nonprofits in achieving their goals. Our Ambassador, Andrea Reich, daughter of CEO George Reich, plays a vital role in this program.
Every six months, Andrea selects a qualified ministry to work with and offers her volunteer services in any capacity needed. She has been involved in various activities, such as assisting with mailings for Bravelove, designing logos and emceeing charity events for 6th of May Foundation, and managing social media while heading an intern program with 15 interns from around the world for Serve West Dallas. The Ambassador Program is PTC's outreach initiative to support ministries and nonprofits, and it is fully funded by PTC.
If your nonprofit is interested in having our Ambassador work with you for six months, you don't need to be an existing PTC client to qualify. We welcome all nonprofits to participate. To express your interest, please fill out the form provided, and we will reach out to you for more details.
At PTC, we are passionate about giving back to the community and providing valuable support to nonprofits. Our Ambassador Program exemplifies our commitment to making a positive impact on the nonprofit sector.
Below Are Some Organizations That Andrea Has Served At:

To change the perception of adoption through honest, informative, and hopeful communication that conveys the heroism and bravery a birth mother displays when she places her child with a loving family through adoption.
To see a spiritual, economic, social and physical transformation of West Dallas. Mission: To serve our West Dallas Ministry Partners, helping them to be successful in their individual missions for the sake of the gospel.
“Motivating the public to give in hopes of changing the lives of those children in need and our community as a whole.”