Blog Articles

Don’t Be Left Behind
The following is a featured post from Brad Novosad, District Chi Alpha director in Nebraska and SALT director for the southern Great Plains Area.
Shortly after I gave my life to Christ in September 1992, I got plugged into my local church and started serving. There was only one place for a guy with my skills - running the overhead projector! Someone had to sit up in front of the congregation, near the worship team and manually change the “slides” after each chorus or song. And then a new technology came along that moved me to the sound booth, sitting at a computer - the video projector. No longer was there a need to sit at the front of the room and manually flip slides. Instead, we were put right next to the sound guys and clicking a button on a computer to advance each slide and song. What an upgrade!
Remember those days? When giving was done primarily through passing a bucket on Sunday mornings to collect cash and checks, announcements were only given from the front and written on a piece of paper that was handed to you at the front door, and everyone brought their bible in book form?
Do you feel like you’re stuck back in time when the rest of the church world has passed you by? The expert team at Paperless can help.
Technology should bring many upgrades to our church:
- It’s easier to use than what we’ve had before so we can spend more time focusing on what’s important
- It brings added value to our experience
- It has an immediate impact on your people and the kingdom of God overall
With Americans now spending an average of 4.7 hours a day on their smartphones, it’s time to look at technologies that will help your church capture a huge opportunity.
- An app for your church will help keep your congregation connected to you and to each other.
- Custom giving and pages that allow your church to register and pay for events
- Mass text alerts to keep your congregation updated on important church events
Remember, technology is:
- The norm today
- Having the Paperless App brings your church up-to-date with current technologies and is vital for a population that is spending a majority of time on their screens.
- Your friend
- With Paperless, your ability to have custom giving pages only takes a few minutes of your time and allows your congregation to easily and quickly sign up for events
- Expanding the Kingdom of God
- The team at Paperless will help your church to achieve all of your giving and fundraising goals.
Don't be left behind.
Contact Paperless today or click the button below to get started!

Brad Novosad is the district Chi Alpha director in Nebraska and SALT director for the southern Great Plains Area. He is also the National Assessment Team Leader for the Church Multiplication Network. After dragging his family around the country to work with Chi Alpha in Missouri, North Carolina, and Colorado, they’ve settled back home in Huskerland. He has a beautiful wife of 21 years, Shelley, and four amazing kids.