Blog Articles

Power to the People - Text2Give
Below is a great story from Brad Novosad, District Chi-Alpha Director in Nebraska and SALT Director for the Southern Great Plains about how Paperless's Text2Give platform has helped them increase donations and raise nearly $200,000 at their annual Winter Conference.
The hundreds of college students in the room were deeply moved by the feedONE video, showing how their program is helping to end hunger around the world. The challenge came to everyone in the room to be a part of the solution to give. Only $10 will feed a hungry child for an entire month. Anticipation was building toward the big ask. I was asking several questions, “How many kids can we feed for a year?” “How much will a group of college students be able to give?” and “What’s a reasonable goal?”
The setting was my Winter Conference for a group of college students a few years ago. In the previous years at this event, we had collected a decent amount of money for feedONE but realized that we were still making some mistakes that could really boost the number of children we could feed.
Mistakes like these:
- Making people get out of their seats to donate.
- Only allowing for older methods of donating: cash, check and giving kiosks.
- Not capitalizing on the moment and making people wait in long lines outside the room.
But this particular year we were ready. Earlier that year, we had switched to using Paperless Transactions for our online donating. Armed with their Text2Give feature, this is the decision we made: let’s give everyone the ability to donate as much as they want from their smartphones.
The five years previous to using Paperless, we took up a total of $35,000 in offerings. Not bad for college students! However, since switching to paperless the past five years and putting the power to immediately donate in their hands, we’ve raised nearly $200,000!! Yes, our conferences have grown in number, but the per person amount has gone up exponentially. Using
Text2Donate through Paperless:
- Captures donations when people are ready to give (No waiting when you can give online from your seat)
- Uses donation systems that are current with the ways people give (who carries around a checkbook or even cash nowadays?)
- Gives people a private, secure, easy and efficient way to donate.
Request a demo today and put the power to donate in the hands of your people.