White Papers


Paperless Transactions Check 21 imaging software emerged as a response to the Federal Reserve’s request for a more efficient and reliable check clearing and depositing process. After the attacks on September 11th halted air traffic for days and stranded billions of dollars of physical checks aboard grounded aircraft around the United States, the government began searching for a process that would permit check processing to proceed without the actual physical paper check. Check 21 allows an image of a check to serve in the place of physical check, and Paperless Transactions software enables non-profit organizations to benefit from this reliable technology.
In addition to providing check imaging capabilities, Paperless Transactions Check 21 software allows users to scan remittance coupons and reply devices. By capturing predefined fields such as constituent ID, amount, campaign, project codes, motivation codes and any other data of your choosing, the software automatically populates your donor management system, thereby eliminating time consuming steps in your organization’s workflow.