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Back Office Virtual Terminal User Guide
The PTC Back Office Virtual Terminal provides most of the reporting tools and capabilities for all Card and ACH/EFT donations and payments processed via a PTC merchant processing account.
Click Here for a downloadable Virtual Terminal Guide PDF.
Paperless Virtual Terminal Reporting:
Our "Front-end" authorization reporting tool for check and credit card transactions made through the Paperless Hosted pages, API or Virtual Terminals. It shows all transaction data including name, date, amount, transaction type and any notes or information in custom fields. Our new Reconciliation module also imports “back-end” financial settlement information from credit card processing that allows users to verify that authorized transactions were submitted for settlement. It will soon do the same for check and ACH transaction settlements as well. ***Disclaimer- Check writers must be notified that their check is processed
electronically and they will not get a physical copy of their check. They may opt-out at any time
they desire by notifying your organization.
Your email address is your User ID for this tool, and an email will be sent to you so that you can
create a password for this site:
Logging into your Paperless VT:
-Go to our website:
-If you’ve forgotten your password, click the "forgot password?" link and enter your email address and press "OK"
-An email will be sent with a link to create a new password
Scheduling a “recurring” transaction:
-Choose "Set up a Schedule" module
-Click the type of transaction, “Check/ACH” or “Credit Card”
-Insert necessary payment fields (marked with a red asterisk)
-Choose “Frequency” (One-time, weekly, monthly, etc.)
-Click “Schedule
Voiding or Refunding a CREDIT CARD transaction:
-Choose "Void/Refund" module
-Enter the “Authorization Number” or the ”Transaction Date” of the Transaction
-Click “Select’ for transaction detail and enter the “Refund Amount”
-Click “Process”
Voiding or refunding an ACH or CHECK transaction:
-Voiding a check transaction must occur on the same day as it is entered in the system and can only be done by the ACH Department of Paperless Transactions. Simply email the authorization number, dollar amount and date of the transaction to and they will reply when it is complete.
-Refunding of ACH settled transactions must be handled and completed by the client or the organization directly to the donor. Paperless Transactions can no longer issue refunds for settled
ACH transactions.
Viewing scheduled recurring donations:
-Choose "Search Schedules"
-Search using “Schedule Number,” “Profile Number,” “Donor Name,” or “Next Billing Date”
Editing a scheduled recurring donation:
-Choose "Search Schedules"
- Search using “Schedule Number,” “Profile Number,” “Donor Name,” or “Next Billing Date”
-Click on the menu icon near the donor’s schedule and select “Edit Schedule”
-Edit the desired information and click “Save Changes”
Stopping a scheduled recurring donation:
-Choose "View Schedules"
- Search using “Schedule Number,” “Profile Number,” “Donor Name,” or “Next Billing Date”
-Click on the menu icon near the donor’s schedule and select “Edit Schedule”
-Edit the desired information and click “Stop Schedule”
Viewing the donation history of a scheduled donor:
-Choose "View Schedules"
- Search using “Schedule Number,” “Profile Number,” “Donor Name,” or “Next Billing Date"
-Click on the menu icon near the donor schedule and select “View Transaction History”
-Enter the desired “Date Range” of your search
-Click “Search”
Upload a batch of transactions:
-Choose "Bulk Import"
-Download the “Batch Template"
-Insert pertinent information in the appropriate tabs (do no delete any tabs or columns)
-Rename and save your spreadsheet
-Rename & save your spreadsheet
-Select “Choose File”
-Select your spreadsheet
-Click “Upload File”
-Check results and make sure all credit card numbers look valid (resembling test transactions in
-Refer to Paperless Support (
Review a batch of transactions:
-Choose "Import Results"
-Select the Batch Number to see the valid transactions or
-Select “View Errors” to see the transactions that did not process or authorize
Add a new user:
-Choose "Virtual Terminal Users"
-Click "New User"
-Insert Name, Email address, and select the Access Role you want the user to have.
-Click “Save User”
Manage an existing user:
-Choose "Virtual Terminal Users"
-Click the menu icon and “Edit” to change any user data
-Click “Save User”
Lookup a transaction:
-Choose "Search Transaction"
-Choose the desired “Date Range”
-Choose “Name” and insert the first or last name of the donor, or
-Choose “Profile Number” and insert the profile number of the donor, or
-Choose “Authorization Number” and insert the Authorization number of the transaction in question, or
-Choose “Batch Number” and insert the desired batch number, or
-Choose “None of these”
-Select additional filters to search for a specific amount range, check or credit card or terminal
-Select “Search”
View donation history of non-recurring donors:
-Choose "Search Transaction"
-Enter the desired “Date Range” of your search
-Enter the last name of the donor (or refine the search with their full name if necessary)
-Click “Search”
Pulling Transaction Reports:
-Choose "Generate Report" module
-Select “Transactions” from the drop-down menu
-Select the “Date Range” of your report
-Select any desired Filters (Terminal or Transaction Type)
-Select the desired “Report Template” of your report
-Enter an email address that you would like the report sent to if desired
-Choose “Generate” and wait for the report to be compiled
-Download and open your report as a spreadsheet
Create Reporting Templates:
-Select “Generate Report”
-Select “Transactions” from the drop-down menu
-Select “Manage Templates”
-Select “New Template”
-Put in all of the desired template settings ) Name, Description, Date Format, and File Type
-Choose to make this Template private by un-checking the “Share with all users in your organization”
-Choose the desired information to be in the report
-Select “Save Template”
Edit Profiles of Donors who no longer appear in the View Schedule module:
-Choose "Search Transactions"
-Choose a “Date Range” that will show their donations when they were a "scheduled donor"
-Choose “Name” and insert the first or last name of the donor in that text box
-Select “Search” and donors past transactions should appear
-Click “Details” next to a transaction to see the details (it will have their profile numbers listed)
-Click the highlighted profile numbers and you will be in the Search Stored Accounts module with that specific donor's profile listed below
-Edit the profile by clicking the menu icon and select “Edit”, update the necessary information and then save your